Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Snow.  Finally.  We've been waiting for it all winter long.  

There was a time when I didn't really care for the snow.  My winters were spent in flip flops despite the piles of cold white stuff on the sidewalks - I would just ignore it, dreaming of summer days. Now,  I've grown to love it.  

I love the feeling of snuggling up at home, working on a project as the flakes start to fall - while others are running to the store for milk and bread before a storm I have to contain my panic to get to a craft store so I can get supplies.  

Making hot chocolate. With whipped cream.  And marshmallows.  And homemade chocolate chip cookies. 

Going sledding until you can't feel your toes or your nose.  

I especially love the big snows.  I hope that every year we will be granted at least one snow day - it should actually be a law.

So thankful to live in Colorado - am amazing mix of snow and sunshine.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Candy heats and chocolate kisses...

Kids are in bed.

Backpacks packed with candy hearts and chocolate kisses.

The girls have their red skirts laid out on their beds.

Plans are made for a before school trip to Starbucks to celebrate all the love.

The boy will be spending the day in his pjs due to a fever that just won't leave him alone.  I still couldn't resist putting together his Valentines...

Hope your day is filled with candy hearts and love.